7 Jul
7 Jul
4:55 p.m.
Hey CS Clubbies! We have a survey to determine what t-shirt design people will buy. Once we know t-shirt design, we will leave preorders open for a week, then order t-shirts in time for exam period. Here is the survey: http://goo.gl/forms/qdeG0jlfD3 Timeline: Now -> Friday July 10 (this Friday) - survey on which t-shirt design to order Friday July 10 -> Friday July 17 - preorder forms accepted in person in the office (only with both a preorder form and money) Beginning of exam period (two weeks after Friday July 17) t-shirt order will arrive, preordered shirts will be available in person in the office. Have fun! -- Patrick Melanson Vice President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo pj2melan@csclub.uwaterloo.ca