Hello everyone, The nominations period for the CSC election has just ended. The election event will be tomorrow on Friday, September 15th at 6:00pm in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001). I will make sure that the election itself will start no earlier than 24 hours after this email has been sent. You can find the list of nominations at the bottom of this email. If you can't attend the election, you can vote remotely: Just reply (using either your @csclub.uwaterloo.ca or @edu.uwaterloo.ca address), and for each position, give a list of candidates you approve of! Note that you need to be a member to vote or to be elected. You will have an opportunity to sign up at the start of the election event. There's also a KW Linuxfest happening on 27 January 2018; its Call For Presentations is open until 1 November 2017. Topics should be GNU/Linux, Free Software, Free Culture, concentrating on their history, technological features, or social significance (ie. "What is the Free Software Movement" is good (but that's been done)). Anyone with something interesting to present is encouraged to apply, and everyone with an interest is encouraged to attend! There will also be exhibitor information booths. I'm still drafting up the Call For Exhibitors, but I'd like to extend an early invitation to CSC to have a free (as in gratis) information table. Have a fun election! Felix Bauckholt ******************************* * CSC - Spring 2017 Elections * ******************************* Elections will occur on Friday, September 15th at 6:00pm in the MC Comfy Lounge. See https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/about/constitution for a description of positions and the election procedure. ** ELECTED POSITIONS ** President ========= fbauckho matedesc qllam Vice-President ============== fbauckho qllam Treasurer ========= tghume qllam Secretary ========= mnmailho csfmurph fbauckho qllam ** APPOINTED POSITIONS ** The following persons have expressed interest in the appointed positions: Systems Administrator ===================== jxpryde qllam Office Manager ============== fbauckho qllam Librarian ========= fbauckho pnjarlan qllam Fridge Person ============= fbauckho qllam CTF Club Liaison ================ fbauckho qllam