Dear CSC, Your friends on the Women in Computer Science Undergrad Committee would like to remind you of/invite you to a few of our upcoming events! MOVIE NIGHT: HACKERS: Fri. Nov. 7, 7PM, Comfy Lounge (MC 3001) --- A reminder that we'll be meeting to watch Hackers tomorrow night. Check out the event description: http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/events/MC_Comfy-2014-11-07-7:00_PM TECH FEMINISM 101 PANEL: Thu. Nov. 13, 5PM, MC 2065 --- WiCS is hosting our first educational panel on tech feminism. If you are curious about the claims of sexism and discrimination in STEM and the software industry, we highly recommend you attend; there will be an open Q&A following the panel session. You can find more information about the event and speakers here: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/events/tech-feminism-101-panel SARAH SHARP PUBLIC LECTURE: Thu. Nov. 20, 5:30PM, ML Theatre of the Arts --- We are pleased to introduce Sarah Sharp, author of the Linux USB 3.0 driver and Linux kernel maintainer to give a talk on breaking into Linux development. The talk is intended for all students interested in learning more about kernel development. For more info and tickets, See https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/events/talk-sarah-sharp-breaking-open-source-and-lin... Hope to see you there! Please send questions or comments to myself or WiCS-ugrad at wics-ugrad@lists.uwaterloo.ca. -- Elana Hashman Undergraduate Representative Women in Computer Science Committee David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science ehashman@uwaterloo.ca