Hello Members, Welcome to the Fall 2010 term. In this message we hope to give you a preview of what the club will be doing this term, and let you know how you can help out if you so choose. -- Membership Remember to renew your membership! If you can't remember if you have paid dues for this term just ask. Note that you can pay for several terms in advance. -- Election Results Our election for Fall 2010 was last Tuesday, the following were elected/appointed: President: Jacob Parker Vice President: Edgar Bering Treasurer: Rebecca Putinski Secretary: Kyle Spaans Systems Administrator: Jeremy Roman Office Manager: Sayed Khader Librarian: Matthew McPherrin -- Talks Each term we run a bunch of talks. This term we're planning to have a seminar every Tuesday at 4:30, starting next week. The seminar will have a mix of local professors, members, and out of town speakers presenting. If you have suggestions for speakers to invite, e-mail the program committee (progcom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca). If you would like to give a talk, the Vice President will be sending out instructions on what to do in the next few days. -- Unix Tutorials New to Unix? Need a hand in figuring out what to do? We will once again be running our popular Unix tutorials. Experienced with Unix and want to help teach? We can always use more tutors, e-mail progcom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca to find out how to help. -- Trips, Socials, Code Parties, etc. Last winter we promised a "CSC Invades U of T" or similar trip, but plans fizzled. We're going to try again. As you may or may not be aware, TRON: Legacy comes out this December. If there is enough interest we will look into going to a showing as a club, possibly getting discount tickets. We're also planning a code party or two, and there's a possibility there will be mini-contests at them. Stay tuned. -- And More! This is quite an ambitious program. If you would like to help run events or have an idea for an event you'd like to run with the help of the club, contact the Vice President (veep@csclub.uwaterloo.ca) and ask about helping out with the program committee, who run the events. In addition to events, the club maintains an office, and we'll be looking for good office staff once again. Stay tuned for information on how to become an office staffer. Office staff keep the office functioning and clean, as well as check out library books and sign up members and are otherwise helpful to people coming by. If systems administration is more your bent, contact the Systems Administrator (sysadmin@csclub.uwaterloo.ca) for information on how to join the systems committee, who administer the club's computing environment. -- Fall 2010 Executive