________________________________ From: Tammy Khalaf <tekhalaf@edu.uwaterloo.ca> Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 11:02 PM To: exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca Subject: Alt-Tab and Movie Night with WiCS Hi all, We have two events being co-hosted with WiCS that are coming up soon! The first is Movie Night, which will be happening on Thursday, November 7th in MC Comfy, from 7-10pm. You can vote for the movie you'd like to see in the poll on the Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/390960055120946/permalink/391593835057568/ There'll be drink and refreshments provided! The secnd is Alt-Tab, a lightning tech talk series presented by students that'll be happening on Thursday, November 21rst! Alt-Tab consists of 15 minute talks about anything related to tech. They can be about cool new features, a fun project you made or really anything that you are excited about. If you're passionate about a technical topic, and interested in public speaking, please email exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca by Monday, November 11th at 23:59 ​Feel free to stop by WiCS or CSC if you need help with planning out your presentation! We hope to see you all there! Tamara Khalaf AVP, Fall 2019