Greetings, programs! Fall 2019 elections have concluded. Here are your executives for the term. *President: Dhruv Jauhar (djauhar) *Vice-President: Aditya Thakral (a3thakra) *Treasurer: Rishabh Kumar Minocha (rkminoch) *Assistant Vice-President: Tamara Emily Khalaf (tekhalaf) Murphy Thomas Reynolds (Murphy) Berzish (mtrberzi) was appointed and ratified as the Systems Administrator. The following people were appointed: Office Manager: Zihan (Archer) Zhang (z577zhan) Librarian: Raghav Sethi (r5sethi) The IMPAD has yet to be appointed. Thank you to everyone who participated in the elections, and we hope that it’ll be a great and successful term for everyone! -- Rajat Malhotra Chief Returning Officer, Computer Science Club _