Hello CSC, A planned software update will occur on November 28 on all CSC general-use machines. As this will require a reboot, the machines will be offline for a few minutes. We will send a "wall" warning message to all logged-in users at least one hour before the upgrade begins. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact the Systems Committee at syscom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca. --- Additionally, CS Club’s Internal Committee is hiring for Winter 2022! Are you interested in organizing program-wide events, reaching out to industry professionals, or being a member of an impactful community? Are you passionate about making a difference in the UW CS and surrounding communities? We are looking for people like you to join our Programme Committee and/or Systems Committee! Role descriptions can be found here<https://bit.ly/uwcsclub-w22-roles> and the application form can be found here<https://bit.ly/uwcsclub-w22-apply>. Alternatively, you can email us at exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca from your UW email with an introduction of yourself, which positions you're interested in and any questions you might have. We will be reviewing applications on a rolling basis so be sure to apply ASAP! -- Dora Su President Computer Science Club of the University of Waterloo