hi csc programs, The nominations period for the Winter 2019 elections has closed. The elections will be held tomorrow - Wednesday, January 16th - at 6:30pm in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001). There will be timbits and doughnuts at the elections, nom nom. If you attend elections, you must be a full member of the CSC in order to vote or be elected. Per our constitution, full membership are those who have paid their membership fees for the term and are MathSoc Social/Voting Members. If you are a Math undergrad student or on a official co-op term and have not refunded your fees, you are a MathSoc Social/Voting member. You may also pay MathSoc in their office to become a Social member. If you can't attend the election, you may send in absentee votes to cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca using your @csclub.uwaterloo.ca or @edu.uwaterloo.ca email address and give a list of candidates you approve of. *Do not reply to this email with your votes* The current nominations for each position are as follows: ** ELECTED POSITIONS ** President ========= mnmailho Vice-President ============== vabresto Assistant Vice-President ========= a3thakra Treasurer ========= tghume ** APPOINTED POSITIONS ** Systems Administrator ===================== s455wang Office Manager ============== a3thakra z577zhan Librarian ========= a3thakra z577zhan ds3wang IMAPD ===== mnmailho Cheers, melted cro