Salutations, daleklings! The CSC is awfully busy this term, so I have many event updates and reminders for you. If you can spare the time in your schedule, come on out and join us! CSC SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST: Update --- I've had some inquiries about a deadline for the contest. The deadline will be Nov. 13 at midnight, and winners will be announced by Friday, Nov. 15. TORONTO ERLANG FACTORY LITE CONFERENCE SIGNUPS: Nov. 23 --- The CSC has been invited to attend this Erlang conference in Toronto. If you are interested in attending, please sign up on this form: http://goo.gl/8XOELB If we can confirm enough attendees, we will be able to provide transportation to all CSC attendees! (You will be responsible for your conference fee.) From the conference website: ``Our first ever Toronto Erlang Factory Lite has been confirmed. Join us on 23 November for a full day debate on Erlang as a powerful tool for building innovative, scalable and fault tolerant applications. Our speakers will showcase examples from their work experience and their personal success stories, thus presenting how Erlang solves the problems related to scalability and performance. At this event we will focus on what Erlang brings to the table in the multicore era.'' For more information on the conference, you can visit its website at: https://www.erlang-factory.com/conference/Toronto2013 SECURITY & PRIVACY LECTURE 03, Practical Tor: Thurs. Oct. 24, 6:30PM, DC 1302 --- A reminder of Simon's talk tomorrow: Simon Gladstone offers the second lecture of our Security and Privacy series this term for a practical seminar on Tor usage. Please bring your laptops! C++ GOINGNATIVE LECTURE 0x03 (FREE FOOD!): Thurs. Oct. 31, 6:30 PM, PHY 150 --- Next week's abstract is as follows, featuring Scott Meyers: After years of intensive study (first of C++0x, then of C++11, and most recently of C++14), Scott thinks he finally has a clue. About the effective use of C++11, that is (including C++14 revisions). At last year’s Going Native, Herb Sutter predicted that Scott would produce a new version of Effective C++ in the 2013-14 time frame, and Scott’s working on proving him almost right. Rather than revise Effective C++, Scott decided to write a new book that focuses exclusively on C++11/14: on the things the experts almost always do (or almost always avoid doing) to produce clear, efficient, effective code. In this presentation, Scott will present a taste of the Items he expects to include in Effective C++11/14. SECURITY & PRIVACY SEMINAR 04, Hands-on Seminar on Public Key Crypto: Tues. Nov. 5, 6:00PM, Comfy Lounge (MC 3001) --- Nick Guenther and Murphy Berzish will be holding a hands-on seminar in the Comfy to introduce you to public-private key crypto and how you can practically use it, so bring your laptops! You will learn about PGP, an encryption protocol that provides confidentiality and authenticity. At the seminar, you will learn how to use PGP to send encrypted email and files, provably identify yourself to others, and verify data. Bring a laptop so we can help help you generate your first keypair and give you the chance to form a Web of Trust with your peers. A GSIntroducer from www.GSWoT.org will be on hand. If you are interested in obtaining an elevated level of trust, bring government-issued photo-ID. There will also be balloons and cake. If you have any questions, direct them to exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca and we'll answer them asap. Hack the planet! -- Elana Hashman President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo ehashman@uwaterloo.ca