Hello everyone, The spring 2010 elections will be at 5:30PM on Tuesday, May 11 in the Comfy lounge. Nominees are: - President: Jeff Cameron (j3camero), Kevin Farnworth (kfarnwor) - Vice President: Brennan Taylor (b4taylor) - Treasurer: Vardhan Mudunuru (vmudunur) - Secretary: Matt Lawrence (m3lawren), Qifan Xi (qxi) If you would like to vote absentee, please send your ballot to cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca with one vote per position before 5:30pm on Tuesday, May 11. In addition, at this meeting the new executive will select a Systems Administrator, decide on various appointed positions (Librarian, Webmaster, Office Manager), and organize and add members to the standing committees (Program Committee, Systems Committee). So, if you want to get involved in running the club in some way or another, come out to elections and volunteer. As a reminder, membership dues must be paid termly, and you must be registered for this term to vote. To renew you can come by the office in MC3036, pay via paypal (instructions are here: http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/about/donations), or come to the elections, there will be time to renew memberships before the voting starts. -- Edgar Bering, Chief Returning Officer ebering at uwaterloo dot ca Computer Science Club http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~ebering Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1