Hi all! This will be the last email of the term. Good luck with your exams and enjoy the break! OFFICE CLEAN-OUT: TOMORROW, DEC. 4 --- It has been a long time since the office was last cleaned. Cleaning will be a monumental effort, and will be taking place tomorrow, Dec. 4, starting around 11AM. If you have any unclaimed belongings in the office, THEY WILL BE THROWN OUT OR REPOSSESSED. Please *ensure* you have not left any personal belongings in the office, or email offsck@csclub.uwaterloo.ca if you aren't able to pick them up before tomorrow. Anyone that is interested in helping out with the office cleaning is free to show up. CTRL-D (END OF TERM PARTY): THURSDAY, DEC. 12 --- Our termly "CTRL-D" party has been scheduled for next Thursday, Dec. 12. If you're not sure where it is being held (usual location) and you'd like to attend, a number of people will be departing for the EOT from the CSC office around 6 or 6:30PM. Or you can drop by the office in advance and ask for directions. Godspeed, -- Elana Hashman President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo ehashman@uwaterloo.ca