Hello CSC'ers! This is your CRO (Chief Returning Officer), and former President, Jacob Parker. A few things to say as we get going with the new term: (-2) Renewals Are you a member this term? If you haven't paid your $2 this term we would appreciate your renewal. Your $2 helps us getting funding from MathSoc to run cool events, gives you access to our terminals and servers (better than student.cs? You decide!) and office (if you can squeeze in.) Already a member? Encourage your friends to join! No friends? Come hang out in our office! (-1) Elections! We will be holding elections at our first (and only) meeting this Wednesday! If you are a member this term please come out to vote and ask silly questions of the candidates. If you would like to join (or learn about) the various committees (such as progcom) make sure to show up. Where: the MC Comfy Lounge When: Wednesday, 5:00pm More information, including distance-voting: http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~j3parker/elections (0) Upcoming event: A talk by Geoffrey Hinton The CS Club is hosting a talk by Geoffrey Hinton, from the University of Toronto and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, in which he will discuss some of his latest work in learning networks and artificial intelligence. The talk will be accessable, so don't hesitate to come out. An email in the coming future will have more details Where: DC 1302 When: Jan 26th, 5:00pm. (1) Unix Tutorials The ever-popular Unix tutorials will be happening in the near future. Details to be decided. If you would like to volunteer (we would love you) send an email progcom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca (2) Cosmos Movie Nights Due to the great success of last terms "Feynman Nights", where we showed recordings of Richard Feynman lecturing, the Physics Club will be hosting "Cosmos Nights", showing episodes of Carl Segan's "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage". Information on the show can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Sagan's_Cosmos Come out for a nice relaxing night of science. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Where: PHYS 150 When: Wednesdays at 6:30pm for 13 weeks (3) Other Events Have ideas for events we should run? We are all ears! An Idea that has been discussed is having a "CSC invades Toronto" bus trip, where we all go down to Toronto, possibly to meet up with a UofT/etc. club and go to a pub/other activity. We are interested in hosting lectures given by our members, so if you have an idea come talk to us. If you are interested in this type of planning please show up at our elections on wednesday where these matters will be discussed. If you have questions, just hit reply.