Greetings programs, CSC SHIRTS --- After much delay, shirts are ready for ordering. They will be black American Apparel shirts, silkscreened with the winning design of our t-shirt contest. See the attached images for the AVL-tree design, courtesy of our winner, Holly Xu. Final pricing and pickup date have not yet been determined, as these are dependent on the number of shirts that will be ordered. Price will be no more than $15 (we hope to price around $10), and shirts will be available for pickup in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037) no later than mid-exam period. You can order them on the webform at http://goo.gl/ypaHRZ Responses will be accepted no later than 12PM noon on Friday, Nov. 29th. OTHER REMINDERS --- Our last event of the term is running today at 5:00PM in MC 2038. Zak Blacher will be presenting his talk on "Disk Encryption." Bob Jonkman invites CSCers to his presentation on encrypting email with Enigmail and Thunderbird, followed by a keysigning party, on Dec. 2 at 7:00PM. More details on the event, hosted by the KWLUG, can be found here: http://kwlug.org/node/909 Our end-of-term party, CTRL-D, has not yet been scheduled. Stay tuned for more details... and let us know if you'd like to host! Cheers, and good luck on your final exams, -- Elana Hashman President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo ehashman@uwaterloo.ca