Salutations, membership! Sorry for the delay---an email regarding t-shirts will be sent out on Monday. We have picked a winning design and are working out logistics. Here are your weekly announcements: VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: CS4U Day, December 4th --- The School of Computer Science passed this on to us. You can sign up by emailing cs-ur-co@uwaterloo.ca. ``Help high school students learn how computer science affects and impacts their everyday lives! Ways to get involved: Greet visitors -- Register participants -- Help with wayfinding -- Assist with lunch. All volunteers will receive a free shirt and lunch!'' Orientation session is Nov. 27, 4:30 - 5:30 in DC 1304, with provided snacks. HACKATHON-CODE PARTY!! (MORE FREE FOOD): Fri. Nov. 22, 6:30 PM, Comfy Lounge (MC 3001) --- Join us for a night of code, food, and caffeine. There will be plenty of edibles and hacking for your enjoyment, including real food for consumption in addition to snacks. You are also free to come and work on your homework or eat the food. Two projects will be provided for you to work on---no technical skills required: An OpenHatch <openhatch.org> mentor will be present at the code party to help you get you started in joining the wonderful world of open source. In addition, the UWaterloo Games Institute and SiG@Waterloo will be joining us, introducing their Social Innovation Simulation Design Jam. <http://uwaterloo.ca/games-institute/events/social-innovation-simulation-design-jam-day-1> SECURITY & PRIVACY LECTURE 06, Disk Encryption: Tue. Nov. 26, 5:00PM, MC 2038 --- Our last Security lecture is presented by Zak Blacher: ``In Zak's talk, "Disk Encryption: Digital Forensic Analysis & Full Volume Encryption", he aims to cover filesystem forensic analysis and counter forensics by addressing the entire design stack; starting with filesystem construction, design, and theory, and drilling down to the inner workings of hard drives (modern platter hdds, as well as mlc-ssds). This talk leads in to a discussion on full volume encryption, and how this helps to protect one's data.'' Email exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca with any questions you might have. EXTERMINATE, -- Nik Black Programme Committee Computer Science Club University of Waterloo nablack@uwaterloo.ca