Hello everyone, The nomination period for this term's elections has closed. The nominees for elected positions are: President: - fbauckho - hsivasub - jj2baile - jmgagnie Vice-President: - fbauckho - jj2baile - s455wang - z34wei Treasurer: - hsivasub - lhsong (+1 unknown username starting with "aksh") Secretary: - bzmo - z34wei (+1 unknown username starting with "aksh") The following people have expressed interest in the appointed positions: Systems Administrator: - ztseguin Office Manager: - fbauckho - m3koo - ubarar Librarian: - fbauckho - ymusleh IMAPD (Fridge Regent): - hsivasub - ischtche - ubarar Nominations for elected positions can be declined at any time prior to the vote. You may express your interest for appointed positions at the elections. The elections will take place on Wednesday, May 17th at 6:00pm in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001). If you have not renewed your membership, you may do so at the elections. Voting is restricted to current club members who are Social Members of the Mathematics Society. Voting will use the approval voting system. This means that you can vote for as many candidates as you want for any position. At the meeting, votes will be conducted in a heads-down, hands-up fashion. Absentee votes can be emailed to cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca until 30 minutes before the elections (5:30pm). For more information on the election procedures, please see https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/about/constitution#officers. I hope to see you at our elections tomorrow. Zachary Seguin Chief Returning Officer Computer Science Club | University of Waterloo cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca