Hail, membership! Consider this a special invitation to undergraduate students that would like to attend CUMC 2012! For those of you that are not familiar with CUMC, it is the Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, and is being held this year at UBC Okanagan Campus, in Kelowna, British Columbia. (A gorgeous city, especially in the summer!) It will be a great experience for all those interested in mathematics. Regardless of your personal ability in mathematics, the conference is aimed at an undergraduate level, and all undergraduate mathematics students will be able to take something away from it. We will be departing by plane on Tuesday, July 10th in the afternoon, and will be returning in the evening on Sunday, July 15. All airfare and accommodations are generously funded by the Mathematics Endowment Fund (MEF), the Mathematics Society (MathSoc), and the Dean's Office. If you are interested in attending, please contact either myself directly (ehashman@uwaterloo.ca), Joseph Horan (jahoran@uwaterloo.ca), or email cumc2012@mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca. Joseph will also be operating a booth on the third floor of the MC during lunchtimes, right outside the CSC, if you have any questions. You will need to pay your conference fee online before we can consider you officially signed up. You can do this at http://cumc.math.ca . The conference fee is $95. We may have to levy a small additional transportation fee for buses (~$25) if our funding does not cover costs entirely. You'll also be responsibile for your own personal incidental expenses, but everything else should be covered! We have limited space for 40 students, so please make sure that you pay your conference fee and contact either myself or Joseph as soon as possible. I hope to see you boarding a plane with me in a little over a month, -- Elana Hashman CUMC 2012 UW Trip Planning Committee