Hello CSC members and robots, This very well may be the last email of term! It's been a big term, so why don't you come on down to the comfy and hang out. We're ordering in pitas (and dessert?????) and just hanging out. Literally no other activities, just hanging out. 6pm in the Comfy, Wednesday (April 4, last day of classes). Good food and company! Two more things, First, we're going to be amending our Constitution and Code of Conduct in a month and a half (at the S18 elections). Here's the summary: https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~pj2melan/csc/about/amendments-explanation And finally, it's come to our attention recently that there have been situations where people have left the office open without office staff present. This goes against office policies and is explicitly forbidden. Since we depend on office staff to sign up/renew memberships, oversee our library, and keep an eye on the office, we're unable to operate normally without office staff present and have to close. Last term after similar issues we sent out an email to then-current office staff detailing that this is not allowed, so they should be aware of it. We also note that office staff should be aware of this as it is the very first policy listed in the Office Policies, which are explained to them during training and also posted in the office and on our wiki. As there is a certain level of trust instilled in office staff and a certain level of responsibility expected, we have decided that anyone who is found to be leaving the office open without office staff present is breaching that trust and will be removed from office staff. In this particular incident the comment made by one of the students who was still in the office without staff present was that "they said they would be back soon". This is not sufficient, an office staff member must be present at all times. If the last office staff member present needs to leave at all - even if it's just down the hall or to C&D or the washroom - they need to close the office. Similarly, if you are not a member of office staff and are in the office without office staff present, you need to leave. Lights should be turned off and both doors should be closed. We also ask that you email offsck@csclub.uwaterloo.ca to report it. If you would like to stay in the office even after office staff leave, then talk to the Office Manager about getting trained for office staff (usually they will send out an email for training). Please remember that we provide the space to CSC members and as members and users of said space, you have agreed to abide by said policies. Thank you for a big term! -- The Exec team