Hello, membership! I trust that you all had a relaxing reading week. Now that things are back to the grind, I have a few events to announce that should lighten the week a little! FEYNMAN MESSENGER LECTURES: Every Wed. at 5:30 PM in PHY 150 --- The Computer Science Club and PhysClub will be screening the classic 1964 Messenger Lecture Series by Richard Feynman for the rest of term. Join us every Wednesday evening at 5:30 PM in PHY 150 for our five single and double feature evenings. Dinner will be provided, so come on out, relax in the comfy PHY 150 theatre, and enjoy. We will be screening the lectures as follows: - Feb. 29, 5:30-6:30 PM: Law of Gravitation: An Example of Physical Law - Mar. 7, 5:30-7:30 PM: The Relation of Mathematics and Physics; The Great Conservation Principles (double feature) - Mar. 14, 5:30-6:30 PM: Symmetry in Physical Law - Mar. 21, 5:30-7:30 PM: The Distinction of Past and Future; Probability and Uncertainty: The Quantum Mechanical View (double feature) - Mar. 28, 5:30-6:30 PM: Seeking New Laws OPENCL FINAL CODE PARTY: Fri. March 2, 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM --- The OpenCL competition comes to an end this Friday, with submissions closing at 11:59 PM. The submissions will be judged this evening, with prizes being awarded at the close of the party. Even if you're not registered, feel free to come out, write some code, support the contestants, and of course enjoy the available food. SDN'S WEBSITE THEMING WITH CSS & JQUERY WORKSHOP --- Our friends at the Student Developer Network invite you to this workshop for an introductory walk-through of CSS and JQuery. As always, free snacks are provided. Date: Thursday, Mar. 1 Time: 6PM- 9PM Location: MC 4060 Skill Level: Beginner Also, look forward to UNIX 102 coming up next week, and a hardware tutorial later in March. Announcements with official dates and times will be made soon. Hope to see you there! -- Elana Hashman Vice-President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo ehashman@uwaterloo.ca