Hello CSC members. The CSC elections will be held on Tuesday, September 18th at 6:30pm in the MC Comfy lounge. We will be electing a President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President (formerly Secretary), and a Treasurer. The elected exec will appoint a System Administrator, Office Manager, Librarian, and IMAPd. You must be a MathSoc social member (e.g., a math faculty undergrad) to run for an elected position or System Administrator, or to vote. If you'd like to run or nominate someone for a position, please put a piece of paper with their name and user id in the nominations box in the CSC or email that information to cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca. The nomination period will end one week from now, on Monday. A full description of the positions and procedures are in the CSC constitution. We need at least 15 members to start the meeting. There will be food. Direct questions to cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca.