14 Jan
14 Jan
10:46 a.m.
Hello everyone, Here are the results from this term's elections: President: wyscheung (Wilson Cheung) Vice-President: tghume (Tristan Hume) Treasurer: jxpryde (Jordan Pryde) Secretary: aafata (Amir Fata) Additionally, the following positions were appointed: Systems Administrator: ztseguin (Zachary Seguin) Office Manager: fbauckho (Felix Bauckholt) Librarian: csfmurph (Connor Murphy) Imapd: ischtche (Ilia Chtcherbakov) We also amended our constitution to revise our Code of Conduct. The updated Code of Conduct can be found at https://csclub.uwaterloo. ca/about/code-of-conduct. Bryan Coutts Chief Returning Officer