The Computer Science Club will be holding elections on Thursday, May 15 at 6:00
PM in the MC Comfy Lounge. The president, vice president, treasurer, and
secretary for the spring 2014 term will be elected. The system administrator,
office manager, and librarian are also typically appointed here.
Anyone who is a full member of the CSC is eligible to be nominated for a
position on exec. You can nominate another person or yourself for any number of
positions. Nominations can be submitted either by writing the person's name on
the whiteboard in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037), or by sending an email to
A more detailed explanation of the nomination/election procedure follows.
Any contingencies not accounted for below or mandated by the
constitution or other applicable documents shall be determined at the
discretion of the CRO or, in the case of disagreement on such a
procedure, a majority vote of present voting members.
Nomination procedure:
1. Anyone eligible to be a full CSC member may be nominated for one or
more of the positions for election: president, vice-president,
treasurer, and secretary.
2. A person may nominate him/herself or someone else for any number of
3. Nominations will be accepted by the CRO via any of the following means:
(a) in person
(b) email (to
(c) the CSC mailbox in MathSoc
(d) the whiteboard in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037)
4. Nominations will be accepted immediately, until the end of the
nomination period (Wed May 14 2014 at 5:00 PM). Thereafter the final
list will be posted on the CSC website.
Election procedure:
1. Anyone present and eligible to join the CSC or renew CSC membership
for the fall will be permitted to do so at the beginning of elections.
2. A list of the candidates for each position will be read.
3. The positions will be elected in the following order: president,
vice-president, treasurer, secretary. Anyone elected to a position
will be removed from consideration for following positions.
4. Before each position is elected, a summary of the duties attendant
to that position will be given, and each candidate will be permitted
to make a brief statement and take questions.
5. Elections will be conducted via heads-down-hands-up approval
voting, with the CRO as the final authority on vote counts. Advance
votes shall count equal to present votes, except that they are
invalidated if the voter is present. In the event of a tie, a runoff
election between the equal candidates will be run by the same
procedure. Only full CSC members (in particular, MathSoc social
members) are eligible to vote.
6. Anyone who is elected but discovered not to be a CSC member must
resign the position or immediately gain membership.
7. Following the election of these four positions, the meeting will be
turned over to the president-elect, who shall begin his/her office by
appointing (with the other new exec) the remaining positions.
Advance voting procedure:
1. If you are unable to attend the election, you may submit an advance
vote via email only. Such emails must be sent to from either your or
email, and must be received at least one hour before the beginning of
2. If you attend elections anyway, you must identify yourself to the
CRO so that your advance ballot can be invalidated in favour of your
present vote.
Bryan Coutts
Chief Returning Officer