Hello everyone, The nominations period for the Winter 2018 CSC elections have ended. The elections will be held tomorrow, on Monday, January 15th at 5:00pm in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001). This election will start no earlier than 24 hours from the time stamp of this email. You may still express interest in appointed positions, either via email to cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca or in person at the elections. Coffee and Timbits will be served at the elections. See https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/about/constitution for a description of positions and the election procedure. All those who have accepted nominations or expressed interest in the appointed positions are kindly asked to attend the elections. Upon any extraordinary circumstances, you are asked to instead send a short written blurb to cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca that explains the circumstance and why you should still be considered for the position. It will be read by me, or someone appointed by me, to the membership present at the elections. You can find the list of nominations at the bottom of this email. Do note, although it is possible that no voting will actually take place due to many of the elected positions being seated via acclamation, we still need at least 15 members to attend in order to achieve quorum and ratify our new executive members. If you attend elections, you must be a full member of the CSC in order to vote or be elected. Per our consitution, full membership are those who have paid their membership fees for the term and are MathSoc Social/Voting Members. If you are a Math undergrad student or on a official co-op term and have not refunded your fees, you are a MathSoc Social/Voting member. You may also pay MathSoc in their office to become a Social member. If you can't attend the election, you may vote remotely: please send a message with the subject "Winter 2018 Absentee Votes Enclosed" to <cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> using either your @csclub.uwaterloo.ca or @edu.uwaterloo.ca address, and for each position, give a list of candidates you approve of. Your votes will be counted in accordance to our constitution: https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/about/constitution. *Do NOT reply* to this message with your votes, they will be revealed to all current exec members and will not be counted. I will reply to all absentee votes acknowledging receipt. Finally, I have nominated myself to the position of Secretary due to it being unfilled. Since I am currently CRO and have expressed interest in being the Systems Administrator, I will give the membership during the election some time to voice objections to my appointment as Secretary (as will such a period be given for all positions). If any valid objections are voiced, as per section 4.7 of our constitution, I will step down from the secretary nomination. Thanks, Jordan Pryde Chief Returning Officer and F2017 Systems Administrator Computer Science Club | University of Waterloo cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca ******************************* * CSC - Winter 2018 Elections * ******************************* ** ELECTED POSITIONS ** President ========= pj2melan Vice-President ============== s455wang Treasurer ========= ss2hu adpranaj - Provisional on full membership Secretary ========= jxpryde ** APPOINTED POSITIONS ** The following persons have expressed interest in the appointed positions. The nominations for these positions have not yet closed. See https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/elections/ for the most updated list. Systems Administrator ===================== jxpryde Office Manager ============== z34wei zlaing Librarian ========= ly3cai - Provisional on CSC Membership z34wei IMAPD ===== (unfilled)