Hello, membership! I hope your midterms haven't treated you too badly. For a few breaks from the grind, we invite you to some upcoming events, hosted by the CSC, MathSoc, and the PMC. KW PERLMONGERS TALK: Thursday, Nov. 15, 7:00 - 8:30 pm, DC 1302 --- By Justin Wheeler! In his own words, this talk will cover the virtues of Perl: CPAN, Moose, CPAN, Catalyst, CPAN, DBIx::Class, CPAN, TMTOWTDI, and did I mention CPAN? If you've never used Perl before, don't be scared away by the jargon---the talk should be accessible to all CS students, and even if you find it hard to follow, we will be serving pizza! CSC GOES TO CHARITY BALL: Saturday, Nov. 17, 6:00 pm - 1:00 am, Fed Hall --- The CSC will be purchasing one or more tables for all n - n (mod 8) people that ask to attend Charity Ball with us. You will enjoy a discounted $25 ticket if you purchase through us! If you are interested in attending, please email exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca and we will seat you at one of our tables in exchange for your $25 ticket fee. SASMS: Wednesday, Nov. 21, 4:30 pm - last mathematician standing, MC 5136B --- Join the PMC for their termly Short Attention Span Math Seminars, or SASMS, for short. There will be food, there will be math, and there will be talks! Applications (term loosely applied) for speaking are open until the day of the event. CS talks are welcomed. Talks are 25 minutes long. After dinner, there will be a session of "Lightning Talks"---5 minutes in length, no sign up required. Sign ups and more information are available on the SASMS page: http://pmclub.uwaterloo.ca/?q=content/sasms-fall-2012 Hope to see you there! -- Elana Hashman Secretary Computer Science Club University of Waterloo ehashman@uwaterloo.ca