Hi all! Hope everyone is joining the break between terms. With your time off, consider applying to speak at StarCon, a lightning talk conference here at UW. StarCon is returning to Waterloo next January 19 & 20, and you can now submit an application to speak at the conference. Conferences and technical talks are wonderful ways to share experiences and pick up something new, so if you've never given a talk, StarCon *still* wants to hear from you! Last year, half of their speakers were first-time speakers and 40% were students! (Check out the 2018 talks for inspiration: https://starcon.io/talks/) If your talk is selected, you will be provided with mentorship opportunities as well as $100 to recognize you for the time and effort you put into working on your talk. Learn more and apply at https://starcon.io/cfp. Talk proposals are due September 1st. Cheers, melted CSC Prez