Hello everyone, During today's election event the following Winter 2018 executive have been selected. The following people have been elected as officers: President: Patrick James Melanson (pj2melan) Vice-President: Charlie Wang (s455wang) Treasurer: Ashley Dewiputri Pranajaya (adpranaj) Secretary is currently unfilled but a2mufti has nominated herself for the position. We will be holding special elections at a future date. Patrick, our President, will preside over these elections. The nominations period is now open but we will remind you again at least 6 days before it closes, as we will also be proposing constitutional amendments at that time. To nominate someone or yourself, please email <cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca>. In person nominations will also open shortly. Jordan Pryde (jxpryde) was appointed and ratified as the Systems Administrator. The following people were appointed: Office Manager: Zoe Laing (zlaing) Librarian: Zichuan Wei (z34wei) and Long You Cai (ly3cai) IMAPD: Uday Barar (ubarar) Thanks to everyone who participated in our elections. Jordan Pryde Systems Administrator | Computer Science Club University of Waterloo syscom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca