The following CSC hosts will be down for scheduled maintenance from 2AM-6AM on Tuesday, May 15th: - caffeine - mail - wiki - git - rt Details of maintenance include: - migrating mail to its own container - This means that caffeine and mail will no longer point to the same host. If you are currently using caffeine.csclub as your mail host to send/receive mail, *please change* this to mail.csclub ASAP. This includes related services such as imap, pop3, and webmail. Forwarded mail will be unaffected. - migrating mailman to the new mail.csclub - aliasing mailman.csclub to mail.csclub - miscellaneous fixes to caffeine The following services will be affected: - mail - mailman - apache - mysql - postgresql - ssh - pop3 - imap If you are currently logged into caffeine for general-purpose computing (irc, etc.) please transition to a different CSC server before Tuesday. There will be another reminder on Monday evening. Cheers.