Hi everyone! Join CSC and WiCS on July 18th for Alt-Tab, a lightning tech talk series presented by students! Alt-Tab consists of 15 minute talks about anything related to tech. They can be about cool new features, a fun project you made or really anything that you are excited about. If you're passionate about a technical topic, and interested in public speaking, apply by filling out the form below. Speakers don’t need to have previous experience and Alt-Tab is a great way to get started with giving talks! Applications are due on June 29th, 2019 (next Wednesday). Apply here: https://forms.gle/Dxykac5ZYYbh2an38 Here are some of the things that people have talked about before: 1) Making art with neural networks 2) Making scalable applications 3) Why unicode is weird! Drop by the CSC and WiCS office if you want help mapping out your talk! Regards, Uday, Falah CSC Prez, WiCS Chair